
Computer Services

How to find us & opening times

We can be found at ;-France Industrial Complex, Vivars Way, Canal Rd, Selby YO8 8BE.

From Selby town centre follow the A1041 Bawtry Road opposite the Abbey. Continue over the railway bridge and then turn immediately left just before the Canal Bridge onto Canal Road. Abbey Cleaners is on this junction. Follow the road round until you reach Reynolds Garage and turn immediately left onto Vivars Way.  At the end of the road, turn left.  We are then at the end of the road and on the right. 

From the A63 by-pass or A1041 Camblesforth direction turn into the A1041 towards Selby.  Go straight over the roundabout at The 3 Lakes Shoping Park, pass Jet garage, over the canal bridge then turn immediately right onto Canal Road. Abbey Cleaners is on this junction. Follow the road round until you reach Reynolds Garage and turn immediately left onto Vivars Way.  At the end of the road, turn left.  We are then at the end of the road and on the right. 
If you have any difficulties in finding us please call (01757) 290500

From this time, we will be open as follows;-

Tuesday & Wednesday 9am - 5.30pm All other times will be by appointment only please.

Workshop closed on the following dates so job turnaround times will be extended.
Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th September
Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th September
Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th November

For any enquiries outside normal opening hours, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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